the relationship between the lyrics and the beat

People who listen to music deeply and actually take a minute to analyze the song understand that the lyrics and beat must be on point with each other. Yes, everything between the lyrics and beat must be correlated. You can correlate the lyrics and the beat in different ways, but in a way where it is appealing to the audience. You can have a slow beginning in a beat that slowly speeds up in time, but you can sing really fast in the beginning and slow down throughout the rest of the song. Does the lyrics and beat match?  Is this even how the relationship between the lyrics and beat suppose to be? All of these great questions and words of confusion will be clarified throughout this blog. Lets begin with answering two simple, yet confusing questions what does lyric mean? And what does beat mean?

What does lyric mean?
Many people can like a song and still be clueless of what the lyrics are. Many people still don't know what lyric is and its actual meaning. Lyric can also come in different forms such as a melody which is basically singing or chanting. Also tune, voice, or line, is a linear succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity. Now the lyric means the words of a song. The key thing to remember and highlight in the definition of lyric is “words”. Most rappers of the new age still tend to struggle with the concept of lyrics and how to use them. Mumbling and humming are not lyrics it's not words its just noise coming out your mouth. If noise were considered lyrics then beats are lyrics. It's not that beats aren’t a type of lyric, but in its own version.

What does beat mean?
When we speak about beats were not talking about the Dr. Dre headphones. We are talking about that sound in the back of the lyrics that help the lyrics jump out at you. Yeah that noise that has you dancing and memicing on a desk with nothing but a pencil and a eraser. The true definition of beat is often defined as the rhythm listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a piece of music. The beat plays the role of enhancing the lyrics in a song and making it come out better.

Now let's hop straight into the real reason what you came here for. If your vocal melodies and or lyrics feel wrong because there is “conflict” between the rhythm(beat) of the melody and the natural flow of the lyrics. See our brain splits a song into two things so we hear two things at once. Which is called complex separation as the music goes into our system it enters this part of the brain called the Auditory cortex which processes the music and lyrics as one. Then enters into the mid superior temporal sulcus which starts to separate the lyrics and music. After the mid-STS splits the lyrics and music it then gets completely separated. Leaving the lyrics in the anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS). The music stays in the mid-STS.

With all the scientific information out the way we can now break down how the relationship correlates. Since a song is getting broken down in our brains what if you listen to two songs with the same instrumental and different lyrics. Then all sudden one of the songs sound on point and great while the other ones beat is nice, but lyrics sounding like a spitting llama. Your going to like the song that sounds on point because the relationship between lyrics and beat is good. You want to listen to a song that leaves you nodding your head when its turned off instead of being confused when listening to it.
