Artist Influencing Their Followers

Artist Influencing Their Followers By Melissa Garay  

Do an artists' actions or looks ever influence you? Personally, as I was growing up, artists and some other famous people did influence me. For example, for many years I was uncomfortable with my body since all that was in TV was skinny girls on every channel I saw.  As many artists made me feel uncomfortable with myself other made me feel better. One of the strongest artist that influence me was Demi Lovato. She talked so much of being comfortable with your body, that I started being comfortable with mine, but I also change some habits. For example, I started eating healthier and then as years went by I started exercising, since she talked about eating healthy meals and exercising too. For a while I stopped drinking soda because some family member of mine were dying and other diagnosed with diabetes.  
Demi Lovato as many other artists out there have had struggles with eating disordersdrugs, and caring for their self, but after all they have managed to change their life timprove it. 

Rick Ross 
Rick Ross is a rapper who lived his life like every day was his last. In other words, according to People Bodies explains how Rick ate Wing Stop and Checkers and only slept around 3 hours every day. This ended when one day he had two seizures in less than seven hours. That’s when he decides to start a diet and exercising. In his interview he said he lost around 75lbs. He says he didn’t stop eating from his favorite fast food places, but he changes bow frequently he eat them and what time he ate them.  
I think Rick telling out his story so it can help many people who are in the same situation or for people who look up to him. This could encourage many people not to stop consuming fast food places, but to limit them. 
Image result for rick ross

YG another artist who went from eating meat to going full vegan. According to an interview with The Breakfast Club he explained he stopped eating processed food since many people close to him were getting cancer and dying from eating those types of foods. 
This interview where he talks about processed food giving cancer can create awareness to people because many people do not talk about it, some doctors even recommend food that is processed to be included in your diet. 
Image result for yg rapper vegan life

Mac Miller 
A young rapper who has been sober since 2015 with the help of a close friend. He explains he spent a long time sober and he "feels good and he feels it's important to him"The words where he says he "feels good and it's important to him "to be sober can really impact someone who looks up to himMany people who are young are pressured by other peer to drink or to do other things they are not okay with, but they want to be cool too. So, the words Millers says can really change someone mind in saying No to something or someone doesn’t mean you will lose your coolness. If something is important and you are okay with, other people should not matter. 

Image result for mac miller


  1. The main purpose of this post is to demonstrate how artists can influence their followers. The source that was used was a interview with The Breakfast Club and I think it can be more effective if she incorporated it more throughout the post. They could make it better by using their source more. My question for you is do you believe it is a good thing artists have so much influence over us?


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